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2011-10-04 11:03  作者:  来源:新浪教育  字号:T|T



  Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy


  The Leaning Tower of Pisa may have an interesting history, but as a tourist attraction, there isn't much to say about it. Apart from the fact that it actually leans。比萨斜塔的历史也许很有趣,但作为一个旅游景点,除了它确实是斜的以外,实在是没什么可说的。

  After the initial wonderment over how such bad architecture has managed to last so long, there’s nothing much left to do apart from climbing the tower. But that’s not before you stand in a long line of tourists willing to part with 15 euros for the opportunity to climb 300 dizzying spiral steps within a specified time slot。最初的对于“这样的建筑怎么能保存如此之久”的惊叹过去之后,也就没什么可做的了。当然你可以登上这座塔,但要注意,你前面还有一长串游客同样等着花15欧元在规定的时间内爬上300级令人眩晕的螺旋楼梯。


  Bandra’s Bollywood homes, Mumbai, India


  The majority of apartment buildings in Mumbai are weather-beaten and look like they’re about to crumble。孟买的大部分房屋都被当地糟糕的天气蹂躏得不成样子,看起来似乎很快就要土崩瓦解了。

  The "Bollywood homes tour for tourists" showcases the most underwhelming apartment buildings of some of the biggest movie stars on the planet, such as Shah Rukh Khan. But you’d never guess it。所谓的“宝莱坞之家之旅”的卖点是一些毫无吸引力的公寓楼,住在里面的是一些著名电影明星,比如沙鲁克·汗——当然你永远也猜不到这一点。

  On one corner, crowds gather every evening below Salman Khan’s building, where Bollywood’s most popular action man makes an almost daily appearance on a pathetic little balcony in a truly ugly building。在某处街角,人们甚至聚集在沙莱曼·罕(印度歌舞片演员)楼下,等待这位宝莱坞最出名的演员每天例行现身于这栋丑得要死的楼房的某个小得可怜的阳台上。


  Sydney Fish Market, Sydney, Australia


  A visit to the Sydney Fish Market is nearly as fatal for tourists as it is for fish。参观悉尼鱼市无论是对游客还是对鱼来说都是要命的举动,

  Heritage falls apart on the harbor's shore, iron rusts and there is no foreshore access. Two huge cement factories that dominate the view around the bay pollute the water。港口岸边到处是破碎的遗迹,所有的铁都生锈了,也不可能到海滩上去——岸边的两座水泥工厂污染了整个水域。

  While it sells itself as a tourist attraction, the smelly fish market has been an exercise in self-interest for decades。悉尼鱼市自称是旅游景点,其实不过是个以盈利为目的的市场罢了。


  Benoa, Bali, Indonesia


  If this is amazing snorkeling, please jam our snorkels with seaweed。如果这就是所谓的“让人惊叹的潜水之旅”,还不如把用海藻把水下呼吸管堵死算了。

  The water is murky and short of fish and you have to dodge banana boats and jet skis。水很脏,几乎没有鱼,你还得躲开水上滑艇和喷气式滑水车。

  If you’ve got a thing for dead coral, however, please feel free to sign up for a glass bottomed boat ride。但是如果你仍然想看看那些死珊瑚的话,你大可以去乘坐玻璃底的小船兜上一圈。



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