

2011-09-14 09:34  作者:  来源:www.kekenet.com  字号:T|T

摘要:Uncle Frank, at 79, was a healthy and wealthy man, a lifelong bachelor. He courted a lot, he said, but "never boiled over-just simmered." On a whim, he decided to take a trip around the country to look up nearly a dozen old girlfriends.

  Uncle Frank, at 79, was a healthy and wealthy man, a lifelong bachelor. He courted a lot, he said, but "never boiled over-just simmered." On a whim, he decided to take a trip around the country to look up nearly a dozen old girlfriends.

  Upon his return he exclaimed, "Whew! Thank goodness I never married any of those women - They're all widows now!





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