

2011-09-07 10:31  作者:  来源:国际在线  字号:T|T

摘要:双子座A Journey to the Center of the Earth《地心游记》 既爱冒险,又爱说话的双子们如果读上了《地心游记》这本书就一定会爱上它的,因为书中的内容十分荒

  双子座——A Journey to the Center of the Earth《地心游记》



  Journey to the Centre of the Earth, also translated as A Journey to the Interior of the Earth, is a classic 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne. The story involves a German professor who believes there are volcanic tubes going toward the center of the Earth. He, his nephew Axel, and their guide Hans encounter many adventures, including prehistoric animals and natural hazards, eventually coming to the surface again in southern Italy. The living organisms they meet reflect geological time; just as the rock layers become older and older the deeper they travel, the animals become more and more ancient the closer the characters approach the center.


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